Photography Club



Club at sports day


The Photography Club was founded by Ms. Nicole Sogren. Its original aim was to offer training to students who would then be able to assist in capturing school events.

Over the years, training has been provided by Professional Photographers such as Mr. Shaffie Mohammed, Ms. Sarita Rampersad and Mr. Darren Johnson. Lessons were both practical and theoretical in nature and covered the following areas:


1. Basics- Getting familiar with the camera's buttons and functions as well as settings that affect the image.

2. Aperture- Understanding the role of aperture in obtaining a good exposure of a photograph, the depth of field etc.

3. Shutter Speed- Understanding the role of shutter speed in exposure and creating movement in a photograph.

4. White Balance- Understanding why and how to balance colour in a photograph.

5. ISO- Understanding the role of ISO in exposure and the effects of high vs. low ISO on images.

6. Focus- Single shot or continuous vs. auto.

7. Composition- Rule of Thirds, Landscape and Potrait orientations. Cropping to make a stronger image.

8. Flash- Using off camera or the camera's built-in flash for proper exposure in challenging conditions.

9. Basic Editing.


Club at work 2


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