Assalaamu Alaikum - Welcome



#78 Back Street, Tunapuna



At-ta'alum be-ta-aaluf

Learning in Harmony



 To be exemplars in the Secondary School System.



Working harmoniously with dedication and motivation, to transform lives through the delivery of quality education in a caring, disciplined, technology driven environment,  to produce resilient individuals with sound core values and holistic skills, who will strive for excellence and provide valuable service to God and humanity.

Brief History

ASJA Girls' College, Tunapuna was established in the year 2000 under the Ministry of Education's Secondary Education Modernization Programme (SEMP). Although a public secondary school, this school falls under the category of Government Assisted schools and is managed by the ASJA Education Board. It officially opened its doors on 04 September 2000 under the visionary leadership of Ms. Naima Hosein who served as Principal until 15 April 2012.

The school was initially housed in the building known as the Haji Ruknudeen Institute of Islamic Studies located at #78 Back Street, Tunapuna. November 2003 marked the beginning of major construction works, which resulted in the erection of a new wing and major remodelling of the existing building. Future plans include the addition of a sixth form wing to the front of the building.

The taught curriculum is in keeping with that of traditional schools and the SEMP curriculum. Classroom instruction is based on the student-centered approach. Teachers are thus more facilitators of learning. Teaching strategies are wide and varied and incorporate advances in technology.

With an annual student intake of 70, the school reached its full capacity of 350 students in 2004. In June 2005, the first cohort of students wrote the CSEC Examinations. Due to space limitations, the school can only accommodate students of Forms 1-5. It is thus not possible for students to pursue advanced studies at this school at this time.

Unlike the more established denominational schools, all the teaching positions at this school are graduate positions. At this time the number of teaching posts is 28. There are 6 members of the civil service staff and 5 members of ancillary staff.

The leadership style exercised at this school is one of democracy where participative decision making is the norm. All members of staff are involved in policy making. Input from the parent body and wider community are also considered.Student critique is also encouraged. The voices of all stakeholders continue to be heard as the foundation of the desired culture continues to evolve and take shape.

As at any denominational school, the tenets of the particular faith form the corner stone of the schools building philosophy. Thus, continuously seeking God's guidance that we may be kept on the straight path in submitting to His will, is part of our daily routine. Observances are held for many religious and cultural events. This is so that students may understand and respect the beliefs of others in this multi-religious, multi-ethnic society of ours. Since Islam is a way of life basically devoid of symbols and rituals, the feeling of peace that one feels upon entering, intangibly represents the Islamic foundation of the school.

The formation of various clubs and student participation in co and extra-curricular activities allow for healthy competition. The introduction of various systems whereby students hold office, facilitates the development of leadership skills. Respect for peers and the offices that they hold, also assist in developing respect for authority.

All members of staff recognize that the success of an institution is largely attributed to "thinking out of the box" and "going the extra mile". Conformity to informal rules and regulations forms a large part of our culture. In keeping with this, all members of staff voluntarily serve on various committees. These committees span a range of activities from management of examinations to the organizations of social events. All teachers are also actively involved in the P.T.A.

The P.T.A was established in the year 2000. In 2005, the P.T.A was restructured to include sub-executives for each year group. This was in an attempt to increase participation and to embark on projects that are more varied. Ultimately, all activities are geared towards student benefit.

In 2003, a team known as the Administrative Assistant Team (ATT) comprising of senior teachers was created. This team forms the core for the practice of school-based management at the school. .